Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Positive Thoughts

Did anyone tell you that you are a mediocre? People who usually tell you this are those who have sneering arrogance & has a superiority complex. But you should prove them wrong because it is only you who knows your power from within. Instead of getting frustrated or hurt of someone telling you a mediocre; use this instead as your stepping stone to turn the situation to make you a better person. Remember, the ball is always in your hand. There are thousands of people who turn their mediocrity to become a successful entrepreneur. If you have a bone for business, better be in networking rather than in traditional business.

We should always remember that all of us were born WINNER. Before we were born, God already knows who we are. The negative energies that we are filtering each day have a great impact on our belief system and our parents; always play a major role in our belief system. Before, I felt I was a loser because of the negative energies that I was filtering. It was tiring everyday to think negative thoughts, doubts & fears of rejections. Then one day, I stumbled upon an ebook of Joe Vitale that has changed my mindset. I became so interested of the law of attraction to achieve a bug-free mind that I almost read topics on personality development. It was not an instant changing of mindset, but gradually. The impact here is that, we can change our perspective in life but it should come within us. I know there are many who feel a loser because that has been your mind psyche but it is still you change the color of your world. You can paint dull colors or you can paint attractive colors. Life is always a choice. So why think a loser, if you were born a WINNER. We are all God’s creation. We are all the child of the universe.

True, the ladder to success is not that easy but once your started the first step, don’t quit. It may be difficult ahead but bountiful blessings are waiting for you. Anywhere you go, there are plenty of challenges. This is always a part of our survival in life. The best is to find right approaches to every tough situation. We have to strengthen more our faith in God and make an action to every faith we have. Faith is HOPE that something beautiful will happen into our lives.
I passed through an eye of a needle when I started the business but in the long run I grip to that last ditch of hope – not giving up my dreams & I know that God will not give up that spirit in me.
Today, I can say that the gates of new horizon are opening. Again, I am grateful to those people I chatted online. They not only make me feel elated but their outpouring prayers and graces have made the doors more open. Prayers are so powerful because it brings positive energies.

AIM Global Brought Home Top Awards at ANCE 2016

We did it again!!!

ANCE 2016 was marked with two full days of intensive learning and insights from invited international speakers last March 21 & 22, 2016. With the theme #GoGlobal, top leaders and distributors witnessed bold and powerful talks from influential speakers from around the world. MLM Gurus in the likes of Tom Big Al, Mark Davis, Matthew Harris, Ilean Harris, Robert Butwin, our Visionary President/CEO Dr.Ed Cabantog and many more.
A prestigious Gatsby Gala Affair and Awards Night was held on the 22nd. AIM Global cupped the prestigious People’s Choice Company of the Year Award.
In addition to this award, three other awards were given to our outstanding leaders. HALL OF FAMER Mylin Ebdane-Ebreo garnered the Top Leader Award for Female, Top 15/GA/MC/SB Ryan Tomada aced the Asian Online Networker of the Year Award while The Best Mentorship Award went to HALL OF FAMER Joseph Lim.
Congratulations to all our winners!

If you have a bone in doing a business, AIM Global is the business for you. From among the MLM companies, we just don't say that AIM Global is number 1 MLM company in the world. The figures and prestigious awards can prove per se.

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Posture yourself in FB Marketing

When I started networking marketing, I was at lost. I was getting wrong advises and I was not all the time doing the right thing. I go offline marketing when I quit my call center job. I spent much money for traveling expenses until I decided to do online marketing. I also did the wrong thing in online marketing. I bought a blog but not worth it because the content of the blog is just the same as those who bought the blog. Lucky is that person who has been selling the blog. It was a crap!!!! He just duped us. But you know I am an optimist, I always find a solution to a problem. To make the story short, I now know what FB marketing is all about. It is not selling of the products; it is more on selling yourself. The process might be tedious & boring but once you established relationship with your friends in FB, the turnout is so enormous.

Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Facebook Marketing

I should have written about Facebook Marketing long time ago but I am always bombarded with my FB marketing, talking to clients from all walks of life over the globe. Indeed, it is exciting that with the internet on the scale, it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller each day. All you need in internet connection and gadgets. I am using two gadgets only, my smart phone to call my clients and laptop.

We now belong to a digital world & whether we like it or not, myriad of people are retiring from rat race life and prefer doing online marketing at the comfort of their home, yet earning 6-7 figures which they have not enjoyed in employment.

So what is really Facebook Marketing? Facebook marketing is not an easy rich scheme. It is a skill of interacting with your clients and there is a right approach for that. It took me a year to study what are the right approaches. I will give you some tips when it comes to FB marketing.

1   1. Don’t tag because some of your friends added hate to be tagged and the tendency they will block you.

2   2.  Don’t share post because your friends will be inclined to contact the originator of the post

3    3.   Don’t post the link of the company because if you do, they find out first without you explaining the company

I am now confident with iProtect C24/7

Now I am more confident and have peace of mind knowing that wherever I go I am PROTECTED 24/7 from ALL types of AIRBORNE viruses, bacteria, fungi and other microorganisms
Why? I am wearing iProtect. Bronze fashionable medal. The triple patented iProtect 24/7 by AIM World!
This is a very healthy business where everyone has to look at it deeper. With 200 countries to market, this a great venue to boost your cash flow when you are still in employment by just doing FB marketing. As for me, I am doing this full time already since I am no longer involve in employment.
If you want to get this product. You can contact me through whatsapp/Imo/Viber +639272333761.

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Amazing Benefits Of Apples

Since Adam and Eve, apples have been seen as a seductive fruit. They really are the number one fruit that needs to stay on your weekly shopping list. Tasty, delicious, versatile, and handy to eat on the go are just a few of their exquisite qualities, but there are many more reasons why you should make an apple a day a part of your daily routine.
5 Benefits of Apples
1. Apples lower cholesterol
The combination of ursolic acid, pectin and D-glucaric acid in apples all help to mop up and excrete cholesterol from the body. This, in turn, helps decrease the risk of coronary heart disease. The soluble fiber produces a gum-like gel that soaks up LDL cholesterol (the bad one) and drags it out of the body. The soluble fiber found in an apple binds with fats in the intestine, which translates into lower cholesterol levels and a healthier you.
2. Apples improve your memory and brain functions
Apples featuring red skin contain anthocyanins in their peel. With regard to cognitive function, research suggests that flavonoids, including anthocyanins, have the ability to enhance memory and help prevent age-related declines in mental functioning. The flavonoids found in red apples can help improve memory and slow age-related loss of cognitive functioning.
3. Apples help you build stronger bones
Apples contain the trace minerals boron and phloridzin. Boron helps decrease the risk of osteoporosis by assisting in the body’s uptake of calcium through it interactions with magnesium and Vitamin D. Phloridzin also helps build strong bones and protects again osteoporosis, as well as increasing bone density.
4. Apples contain rich fiber
One of the best features of apples is pectin. The skin of apples is especially rich in this soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. In several studies, when levels of pectin from foods were increased in the diet, it led to a lowering of blood cholesterol. Pectin also helps to keep your blood sugar levels stable by becoming a sticky gel when it gets wet once inside the stomach, thus slowing the absorption of the natural sugar, fructose, that apples contain. The result being, this sugar will be slowly absorbed into your bloodstream and rather than giving you a sugar rush often seen with eating high sugar foods such as chocolate, the sugar will be slowly absorbed into your bloodstream thus keeping blood sugar levels stable.
5. Apples Help Banish Hot Flushes
Boron has been found to be essential for oestrogen production. Research has now shown that boron supplementation in postmenopausal women markedly elevated the blood level of the most active form of oestrogen, 17-beta oestradiol, to the level found in women on oestrogen replacement therapy. Equally, the blood levels of testosterone increased also. Some women get hot flushes in perimenopause because oestrogen levels are too high and progesterone too low, and therefore may be afraid of using boron. However, no evidence has been found that boron raises oestrogen above normal healthy levels.

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

How Touching Your Different Fingers Can Make You Healthier

Jin Shin Jyutsu is a 5,000-year-old Japanese healing art based around holistic healing approaches which emphasize healing the whole body as opposed to just a section. Through thorough application of this art, it is possible to heal your inner body and improve your mental health just by holding your fingers.
Such claims may sound fantastic, if not outright absurd, but research has shown that this is real. The University of Kentucky Markey Cancer Center has discovered that cancer patients who were treated with Jin Shin Jyutsu “received statistically significant improvement” in regards to their stress, pain, and nausea. Furthermore, the Center found that those patients whose pain and nausea scores improved the most were patients who underwent this holistic therapy the longest.
This is not the only example. A case study conducted by the Kaiser Permanente Northwest Center for Health Research had a practitioner perform Jin Shin Jyutsu on a patient afflicted with multiple myeloma. Despite being at high risk for mucositis due to chemotherapy, the patient only had a mild case of mucositis once. He also “experienced little to no significant nausea throughout hospitalization,” with his only case of nausea occurring when the practitioner was unavailable.
Jin Shin Jyutsu works because all of our body parts are connected to one another. When one part of your body falls ill, this hurts the entire body and not just the afflicted part. At the same time, our hands are actually connected to emotions and organs. By holding them, we can improve our energy flow to vital areas and help our physical and mental health.
As Soul Spot observes, perhaps this is why babies suck their thumbs, or perhaps why we flip our middle fingers in anger.
Each of the five fingers, as well as the palm, correlate to different organs and emotions. Read on to learn how holding your fingers for just three to five minutes can improve your health.
1. The thumb

Holding the thumb enables us to let go of the past and helps us relieve our stress and worries. We can calm down, improve our self-esteem, and ensure that our sleep is restful. It can also improve our energy.

The thumb is connected to our spleen and stomach. As a result, the thumb ensures that our red and white bloods cells are high and that our stomach digests food faster.
2. The index finger

While the thumb calms us down, the index finger gives us the vitality and will to conquer our fears and strive for a better tomorrow. By improving our will, we now have the inner strength to fight our weaknesses as well as our addictions, so that we can strive for perfection.

The index finger is connected to our kidney and bladder, which helps prevent kidney stones from forming and balances our water and body chemistry.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

We Can Be Healthier And Make Ourselves Better Lovers By Feeling Awe, Study Finds.

Those who dare to be in awe (usually against society’s advice) tend to find happiness, enjoyment, exhilaration, love and beauty more often than most.
Allowing themselves to feel instead of judging, dreading or scrutinizing, these curious individuals often enjoy excellent health and better relationships in addition to their open heart.
If we already know that positive thoughts lead to a positive life, doesn’t it make sense that the feeling of awe would produce emotion positive enough to alter one’s perception of the world almost entirely? This easily translates into relationships – think of a time your partner did something to make you admire them! You probably felt lucky to be with them which reignited your love for each other. What if you could feel that way again? What would your relationship be like? Powerful feelings influence both sides of the relationship; when in awe of your partner, you can’t get enough of them!
Can you imagine what it would be like to see beauty everywhere you go, appreciating the world around you? How happy would you be every day? Right now, there may have been merely several times in life you were truly in awe but the memory still remains and if you aren’t used to this feeling, you were probably taught to beware of it in order to avoid disappointment. However, allowing very few things in life to move you doesn’t exactly translate into frequent happiness.
By now, you are realizing why being in awe produces positive emotion. Wrapped in the feeling of awe, one feels like an entirely new person – happier, healthier and even more loving. The heart is suddenly open. Feeling awe and enjoying excellent health are interconnected, as proven by research.
Science Says…
Science has found a correlation between the feeling of being in awe leading to better health and vice versa. A study completed at the University of Toronto to examine the effect of positive emotion on health measured the levels of the interleukin-6 molecule (IL-6) in its participants. Known for causing inflammation while showing low levels when positive emotion is involved, participants filled out questionnaires describing the frequency of specific emotions felt within one month to prove that awe had predicted the exact levels of IL-6 shown in the results.

Good health and awe are based on positive emotion which influences one’s entire being in immensely rewarding ways. The feeling of awe is associated with an outgoing character which is a trait of positive individuals. Those with negative mindsets tend to be less sociable, probably agreeing with the general view of society that awe is reserved only for the most exceptional of circumstances. However, if allowing yourself to be in awe of the beauty you see every day makes you even healthier and happier (not to mention that good health results in great looks), why should you refrain from being in awe?
Science Also Says…
The feeling of awe also manifests in a low level of cytokines – proteins crucial to the immune system because of their reaction to illness. Research done at UC Berkeley, in which the participants reported on the range of positive emotions felt in a single day, showed that those who’d experienced being in awe measured the lowest levels of cytokines.

Once again, it was assumed that awe influenced the low level of cytokines just as much as good health had an impact on positive emotions. Awe seems to be one of the most powerful positive emotions, quickly improving one’s health in various ways.

Friday, March 4, 2016

High Blood Pressure Symptoms You Can Reverse Naturally

Do you know what health condition affects about 70 million — or one out of every three — American adults? I’ll give you a hint. Nearly one out of three adults who don’t have the condition are one step below having it. The answer is a highly common yet preventable condition called high blood pressure, also known as hypertension — which is why you need to pay attention if you have high blood pressure symptoms. (1)
High blood pressure isn’t just a problem in and of itself, but it also leads to other dangerous health conditions, including stroke, heart attack, chronic heart failure and kidney disease.
Did you know that most people with high blood pressure or hypertension have no symptoms, even when their blood pressure readings reach dangerously high levels? In fact, about one of five U.S. adults with high blood pressure still doesn’t know he or she has it. Scary, I know.
The good news is that even mainstream medicine will agree with me when I say that diet and exercise are the most important tools for preventing and treating high blood pressure naturally and successfully.
High Blood Pressure Symptoms & Life Expectancy
What is high blood pressure exactly? It’s a common disease in which blood flows through blood vessels and arteries at higher than normal pressures.
Hypertension costs the U.S. $46 billion each year, which includes the cost of health care services, medications to treat high blood pressure symptoms and missed days of work. Standard medical treatment for elevated blood pressure is to prescribe dangerous beta-blockers, ACE inhibitor drugs and diuretics, along with convincing the patient to restrict salt in the diet. Although these things can help, they don’t get to the root of the problem and can actually cause more problems. We’ve been encouraged to fear salt when it comes to our health, but this recommendation of extreme salt reduction for high blood pressure symptoms remains controversial, questionable and even destructive for good reason. (2)
Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of the arteries as the heart pumps blood. High blood pressure happens when this force is too high. Scary, but true: Most people who have this condition display zero signs or high blood pressure symptoms, even when their blood pressure readings are at dangerously high levels.
When blood pressure is measured, there are two numbers that result, which measures two different pressures. The top number is systolic pressure, the blood pressure when the heart beats while pumping blood. The second or bottom number is diastolic pressure, the blood pressure when the heart is at rest between beats.
Blood pressure ranges include: (3)
Normal: Less than 120/80
Prehypertension: 120–139/80–89
Stage 1 high blood pressure: 140–159/90–99
Stage 2 high blood pressure: 160 and above/100 and above
Frequently, there are no high blood pressure symptoms as blood pressure increases, but some warning signs for very high blood pressure can include chest pains, confusion, headaches, ear noise or buzzing, irregular heartbeat, nosebleeds, tiredness, or vision changes.

At the age of 50, total life expectancy is about five years longer for people with normal blood pressure than for those who have hypertension. (4) That’s just another worthwhile reason to get your high blood pressure symptoms under control and keep them under control.
Complications of High Blood Pressure
More than 360,000 American deaths in 2013 included high blood pressure as a primary or contributing cause. That equates to a highly disturbing and concerning nearly 1,000 deaths each day.
High blood pressure increases your risk for dangerous health conditions, such as: (5)
First heart attack: About seven of every 10 people having their first heart attacks have high blood pressure.
First stroke: About eight of every 10 people having their first strokes have high blood pressure.
Chronic heart failure: About seven of every 10 people with chronic heart failure have high blood pressure.
Eye problems: High blood pressure can cause thickened, narrowed or torn blood vessels in the eyes, which can result in vision loss.
Metabolic syndrome: High blood pressure symptoms increase the risk of metabolic syndrome, a combination of three or more of the following health issues: abdominal obesity, high blood sugar, high triglyceride levels, high blood pressure or low HDL (“good”) cholesterol.
Memory issues: Uncontrolled high blood pressure can affect your ability to think, remember and learn. Trouble with memory or understanding concepts is more common in people with high blood pressure.
Aneurysm: Increased blood pressure can cause your blood vessels to weaken and bulge, forming an aneurysm. If an aneurysm ruptures, it can be life-threatening.
High Blood Pressure vs. Low Blood Pressure

Risk of both low blood pressure and high blood pressure normally increases with age due in part to normal changes during aging. Here are how low and high blood pressure stack up.
High Blood Pressure
Frequently, there are no high blood pressure symptoms as blood pressure increases. Some warning signs for very high blood pressure, however, can include:
chest pains
ear noise or buzzing
irregular heartbeat
vision changes

Thursday, March 3, 2016

AIM Global Rank 10 - Direct Selling Momentum Ranks March -2016

With its 10 years of operations, AIM Global is gaining its momentum in terms of MLM Industry as per survey of Direct Selling Momentum Ranks March – 2016. ‪#‎AIMGlobal‬ ranks at 10th spot's. Something that we should be proud of... Aim Global is boiling its thermostat.
Aim Global will be dominating the world market soon due to its launching of AIM World, the online division of AIM Global. I just always keep repeating AIM World because this is a great home base job and that is what I am doing always as mother and a full time mom since I quit the corporate world.
Just be open minded to this business because this has changed my life vs. employment and I am sharing the same to all of you.
This is an invitation to join Aim Global. This is not a scam, this is not a pyramid but will definitely transform your lives.
Network marketing is the answer to the financial & time freedom that we all desire to have,but unfortunately, a lot of people are still obsessed with getting jobs. Those who work in the corporate world are always busy and always broke. Job= Journey Of The Broke.
Interested? You can get in touch with me through whatsapp/imo or viber @ this number +639272333761.

Wednesday, March 2, 2016


In order to treat serious back pain case, one must have a solid insight into the patient’s history. Things can sometimes escalate to a point where one must undergo a surgery if the pain is caused by an injury or spin deviation. Luckily, in most cases, back pain is caused by one’s lifestyle, sitting position, sleeping position, stress, lack of physical activity, etc. Regardless of the cause, one thing is certain – back pain is a nuisance, and if left untreated, it will most likely lead to a surgery in the future. If you are tormented by constant back pain problems, then you can try some of the following treatments that may help you cope with this irritating condition.

Paracetamol is a powerful ally when it comes to treating the agonizing pain located in your back. There are some alternatives like ibuprofen, an anti-inflammatory drug that some claim is more successful than paracetamol. Something a bit stronger is codeine, and in the event that your pain is pretty severe, this is a viable option for you. In some instances, your pain could be caused by your muscles, meaning you should use muscle relaxants as your therapy. Nevertheless, painkillers have one big side effect, the user may end up addicted to them. Furthermore, you can be allergic to some of these painkillers making them an unsuitable tool for your therapy. Whatever the case, try to use this only as a last resort, since there are other ways to treat your back. If you are having troubles with muscles, you can book a massage, just make sure you contact a professional, since this way, you won’t have to resort to muscle relaxants.

Sitting is definitely your enemy, considering we are not meant to spend so much time in that position. In other words, by doing this, we are going against our nature, and the pain is there to remind us of the wrong path we have selected. Of course, we need to sit during our work time, but if we choose to maintain the correct straight posture, the pain is bound to subside a little. But this is not enough – try to stretch the whole body every now and then, or every sixty minutes to be precise. Remember to stand up and walk around a bit, and walk as much as possible during the day. When sleeping, try to find a position that won’t strain your spine so much, and you can do that by placing one pillow between your knees. Moreover, you need to be comfortable and relaxed while sleeping, so a goose feather pillow and a good quality mattress will make a positive contribution to this struggle.

In order to treat serious back pain case, one must have a solid insight into the patient’s history. Things can sometimes escalate to a point where one must undergo a surgery if the pain is caused by an injury or spin deviation. Luckily, in most cases, back pain is caused by one’s lifestyle, sitting position, sleeping position, stress, lack of physical activity, etc. Regardless of the cause, one thing is certain – back pain is a nuisance, and if left untreated, it will most likely lead to a surgery in the future. If you are tormented by constant back pain problems, then you can try some of the following treatments that may help you cope with this irritating condition.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

Business Partners in Africa

In just a couple of months doing Facebook Marketing, our team expand in Africa especially in Nigeria and Ghana will explode sooner. The people in Africa are just so open-minded and it is not hard to explain the Aim Global business. You can go direct to the point. There is really money doing FB marketing and the best social media platform because it has 700 million users. But there is a right approach in FB marketing, not the traditional one that others are teaching. I am against tagging either because there is a tendency that you’ll be blocked. There are always do’s and don’ts in FB marketing. It took me a year to study what are the right approaches in FB Marketing. One tip that I can give you is to posture yourself. Your FB friends will not look at your business. Your FB friends will look at YOU

Mr. Olatuji from Abuja, Nigeria just completed his 7 accounts
Lucy just completed her 7 accounts. She is from Port Harcourt.
Fr. Gerald Umorem. He opened 7 accounts


Why networking? This is the first question that you will ask from yourself when networking business is offered to you, if I am not mistaken. So if I am going to ask you, why networking? You have to ask your deepest WHY? If you are going to ask me, “WHY NETWORKING,” here are the deepest WHY I can give you 
smile emoticon
1. You can become an enormous leader – meaning to say you have tons of followers. The more followers you have, the more is your residual income from 6 to 7 figures. How’s that? Very exciting, right? How to do it? Of course, there is where the power of leveraging takes place. Leveraging means you are duplicating yourself & efforts to other people. How to leverage yourself? We provide training.
2. Building relationship – don’t be complacent in this business because whether you like it or not, you will have people under you and they will look up at you as a leader. Building genuine relationship is essential to the growth of your team. How to have a strong relationship with your team, we provide personality development training.
3. Self-confidence means you know how to posture yourself. Or you project your ethos as respected & admired. By talking and sharing the business to people, this will push your level of self-confidence. How to posture yourself? We provide training.
4. Raising your profile – once you become a huge success in networking business, you raise your profile to other people. They will believe you & the more your team grows. You must also attend business and social meetings to let your face known. You are there to assist useful information & tips to people not under your team. Raising your profile is included in the training.
5. Social Media marketing – the best social platform is Facebook. You don’t need to go to other social media platform because FB alone has 700 million subscribers. This is a new school of prospecting. How to market using FB will be part of the training. I am not going to divulge it here, until you go on board on our team.
Our team is professionalizing the business. NO BS. NO HYPE. Everything will be provided once you go on board our team. We will give our best. Trainings will be by modules so you have to appropriate your time until the modules are completed. Don’t worry, there is no exam here (LOL). Your only exam to the success of the business is your 100% COMMITMENT.
Other people may copy & paste my post here but no assurance what kind of training they will give you. We give the best of the best.

Our team is Nigeria and Ghana are growing, it is because of the online training that we are providing.

Should you want to join our team, you can connect with me through Whatsapp/IMO/Viber +639272333761.

Everyone Can Be Great, You Just Need To Know How.

Whether you want to be a great student, a brilliant researcher, a stellar parent or a highly successful entrepreneur, you will have the same mindset. You have a goal, your values and ethics are rock solid, you persevere, and you keep victory in sight. Sounds simple, right? Well, not really. Here are some things you need to focus on to make sure you know how to be great.
1. Set big goals to empower you
If you have minor goals or objectives, you will never be great. Keep your main goal always in your mind and you will feel empowered. No harm in writing it down. You also know what your strengths are and that is key. There is also a healthy dose of self-criticism. What are your weaknesses? Can you gain new skills to deal with these?

2. Never forget your values and ethics
Above all, be aware that certain values and ethics are always the foundations of being great. You will not cheat in exams, you will not invest in shady stocks. The financial world is learning a very hard lesson in regards to toxic funds. Honesty and fair, ethical business practices will stand the test of time and are a vital component in achieving greatness. This was the conclusion of a three year study at the University of Birmingham called the Jubilee Centre for Character and Virtues.

3. You can handle setbacks
Read any book you want on all the great success stories of our times from Albert Einstein, Nelson Mandela, Steve Jobs, to Bill Gates. They all had one thing in common. They had to face setbacks and failure but they did not quit. The Harvard Business Review quotes a study where almost half (43%) of failed CEOs just did not bother to learn, refocus and carry on. They simply left. But you know that failure is simply not an option.

“Consider the postage stamp – its usefulness consists in the ability to stick to one thing to get there.” – Josh Billings
4. You are disciplined
You know what steps to take to get things done. Set your daily goals which are steps on the ladder which leads to the top with that glittering prize. That requires dedication, hard work, patience and no short cuts. If you need any encouragement, read Chris Hadfield’s book An Astronaut’s Guide To Life on Earth where he will show you how to achieve greatness. He did so – imagine being on a postage stamp or coin while you are still alive! Hadfield’s inspiring message is basically that you need determination and discipline to reach your goal.

4 Addictions that are Ruining Lives, and How to Overcome Them

Addictions do not appear out of nowhere, we create them acting on our free will and it takes time before they take root in our body. Unfortunately, addictions have negative impact on our health, mood, lifestyle, and they tend to control us to some degree. There are many reasons why we get addicted in the first place: peer pressure, a bad period in our lives, boredom, curiosity etc.
However, we should always strive to improve, and breaking a bad habit is a huge step in terms of self-improvement. So, here are the four most common addictions that ruin lives, and some suggestions on how to overcome them.
1. Alcohol addiction
As we grow up, we become drawn to liquor, since it is advertised to us on so many levels. First of all it is forbidden, so when we enter the rebellious phase of our life, we try to establish our own identities by breaking the rules. Second, if our parents love to drink we tend to mimic this behavior. We are puzzled by the fact that alcohol is forbidden to us, yet they seem to have a really good time while drinking.

Third, every teenage TV show includes scenes with booze, so we are really tempted to give it a try at some point. Of course, you won’t become an addict if you drink once a week with your friends, or only during special occasions, but if you develop alcohol addiction there are a lot of dire consequences.
Alcoholism is incredibly destructive. It’s not only bad for one’s health, but it breaks families, causes people to lose their jobs, and it can cause various accidents when people drive intoxicated. It is imperative that anyone with alcohol addiction take the steps necessary to overcome it. In order to be successful at this attempt, you need a plan.
So, compile a list of all the positive stuff that will happen to you after you quit drinking and always keep it neat to use it as a reminder. Create your drinking goals, or strategy for quitting, by setting the limits of how many glasses you are allowed to drink during the week.
Find a hobby that will help you channel your frustration. You can immerse yourself in an online video game, or start reading books, basically anything that keeps your mind fully occupied, but doesn’t stimulate it to think about alcohol.
2. Tobacco addiction
Unlike alcoholism, addiction to cigarettes is not that destructive. It is extremely harmful for your health and good looks, but it certainly won’t make you behave irrationally. Still, smokers tend to have a lot of stress going through life, constantly coughing, having damaged lungs, their teeth and fingers have different color, they become older at a faster pace etc.

It is never easy to quit, since smokers tend to increase the number of cigarettes they smoke on a daily basis, as the addiction grows stronger, meaning that the longer you smoke, the harder it will be to quit. Luckily, many people were able to quit or significantly reduce their cigarette intake. Much like with alcoholism you need a good strategy. It’s best to go at it slowly and gradually reduce your nicotine intake over the course of a month, until you can finally quit altogether.