Sunday, February 12, 2017

Study Proves Microwave Radiation Directly Affects Your Heart – Why You Need To Ditch Your Microwave Oven

Have you ever wondered why some restaurants post warning signs for customers with pacemakers that the establishment uses a microwave oven?
A pacemaker is an electrical device implanted in the chest to maintain proper heart rhythm. Microwaves can interfere with the electrical impulses of the pacemaker.
The human heart is also an electrical device that naturally maintains the appropriate rhythm. Microwave radiation has the same effect on the real organ as it does on the plastic implant.

Examining Microwave Radiation

Dr. Magda Havas of Trent University in Ontario has conducted several studies on the effects of microwave radiation in the human body. Her 2010 study began with the question, “Does radiation from a cordless phone affect the heart?”
She and her colleagues tested the effects of 3 minutes of exposure from a common cordless telephone running at 2.4 GHz (gigahertz) with 25 people. Forty percent of the subjects experienced changes to their heart rate.
Her conclusion:“arrhythmia, heart palpitations, heart flutter, or rapid heartbeat and/or vasovagal symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, profuse sweating and syncope when exposed to electromagnetic devices. It is the first study to demonstrate such a dramatic response to pulsed MW [microwave] radiation at 0.5% of existing federal guidelines (1000 microW/cm2 ) in both Canada and the US.” 

A cordless telephone uses about 3 watts of power. Microwave ovens work at 2.5 GHz frequency but are run with the power of 1000 watts. Hence, the harmful effects of microwave ovens are all too real for patients with pacemakers.

Electrosmog Can Impact Anyone

Havas’ subsequent study in 2013 expanded the research into “electrosmog”, the miasma of electromagnetic radiation emitted by wireless technology that constantly surrounds us. Devices that contribute to electrosmog are cell phonessmart meters, wireless routers, baby monitors, computers,  gaming consoles, radios, television, and the like.
Electrohypersensitivity is the term used for the vast number of people who experience debilitating physical consequences from exposure to radio frequency (microwave) emissions—it is also called “rapid aging syndrome”. That doesn’t sound very appealing.
The most common symptoms experienced by the subjects involved in the study were:
  • Fatigue
  • Sleep disturbance
  • Headaches
  • Feeling of discomfort
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Depression
  • Memory loss
  • Visual disruptions
  • Irritability
  • Hearing disruptions
  • Skin problems
  • Cardiovascular
  • Dizziness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Movement difficulties
  • Nausea
Electrosmog affects the blood, heart, and entire autonomous nervous system. The closer the source of the radiation, the more severe and chronic the effects. Any one device wouldn’t be a problem but we are bombarded with this radiation virtually everywhere.
“EHS [electrohypersensitivity] may be viewed as a contentious issue, yet a growing number of international experts, scientists, and medical doctors have been asking governments and international agencies for decades to lower existing guidelines for RF [radio frequency] radiation because the current guidelines do not protect public health…The information provided in this article is not new. Reviews as far back as 1969 summarized the effects of microwave radiation and identified many of the same symptoms.” 

Microwave Oven Health Hazards

Microwave ovens aren’t wireless—they require too much power for that. But the type of radiation used to cook food is the same as the kind used to make a call. The danger they present isn’t from the oven itself but microwaved foods.
A microwave oven works by flooding food with electromagnetic radiation; the molecular structures of the food are changed by the radiation. When we eat food cooked (or even warmed) by microwaves, our physiology changes too.
In fact, microwave ovens were banned in Russia after results of extensive research found (among other things):
  • Cooking vegetables with microwave radiation releases free radicals (which, as we know, cause cancer)
  • Degeneration of immune responses due to a compromised lymphatic system
  • Significant decreases in the nutritional value of all foods cooked in this way
  • Changes in how sugars break down
  • Molecular changes in foods caused digestive disorders, including stomach and intestinal cancer
  • Proteins were broken down into abnormal formations 
Still not convinced? Consider this from a forensic review of 28 studies performed in different countries of the effects of microwaved food in humans:
“From the twenty-eight above enumerated indications, the use of microwave apparatus is definitely not advisable…Due to the problem of random magnetic residulation and binding within the biological systems of the body…which can ultimately effect the neurological systems, primarily the brain and neuroplexuses (nerve centers), long term depolarization of tissue neuroelectric circuits can result. Because these effects can cause virtually irreversible damage to the neuroelectrical integrity of the various components of the nervous system (I. R. Luria, Novosibirsk 1975a), ingestion of microwaved foods is clearly contraindicated in all respects.” 

Other Microwave Cooking Dangers

Microwaved food has direct impact on the blood, brain, and the entire nervous system. The changes occur at ingestion every time it’s eaten. Damage spreads with each bite.
In the past 40 years, the microwave oven has become a staple in North American kitchens. It is a great time-saving device that cooks and reheats foods in a fraction of the time of conventional methods. But is convenience really worth cancer and brain damage? After all, there are many other ways to reheat your food!

Source: Daily Health Post

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