Monday, February 1, 2016

Red Wine May Help Fight Obesity

Red Wine May Help Fight Obesity

A recent study claims that drinking red wine may be one excellent way to fight obesity! No doubt about it, red wine contains lots of antioxidants, specifically polyphenols and resveratrol, which are known to fight free radicals and reduce your risk of a number of degenerative conditions like cancer, heart disease to neurodegenerative diseases.
Red Wine and Obesity

Purdue University conducted a study that suggests red wine may help fight obesity. This is due to a compound found in grapes and other fruits, that has a similar chemical structure to resveratrol. This compound has been found to do amazing things, one of which is blocking cellular processes that allow fat to develop. This compound may be a potential method to control obesity, according to the doctors who conducted this study. The compound is called piceatannol.

Piceatannol blocks an immature fat cell’s ability to develop and grow. In the same way that resveratrol has been found effective in helping fight heart disease, cancer and neurodegenerative diseases, piceatannol is said to do the same for obesity. The good news is that resveratrol in humans is immediately converted to piceatannol right after consumption.
It has been found to alter the timing of gene expressions, gene functions and insulin functions during the metabolic process of a fat cell. This all happens during the early stages, right before early fat cells become mature fat cells. When piceatannol is present, a complete inhibition of adipogenesis occurs (process of cell development).

How adipogenesis works. In a period of 10 days, immature fat cells, also known as preadipocytes, undergo several stages in order to become mature fat cells or adipocytes. This process is important for maintaining balanced energy in the body.
If piceatannol is able to destroy fat cells early in this process, it could potentially be key to preventing fat cell accumulation, and later on, body mass gain. Piceatannol has the ability to bind to the insulin receptors found in preadipocytes. After the piceatannol has bound with the insulin, it blocks insulin’s ability to control cell cycles. It also blocks insulin’s ability to activate genes that are important in the later stages of fat formation.

Piceatannol is not exclusively found in grapes or red wine. They have also been observed in blueberries, passionfruit, as well as other fruits.

You may already know that I’m a big proponent of eating superfoods, and weight loss is just one of the many benefits of incorporating them into your diet.

So, Should I Have a Glass Now and Then?

In my opinion, yes, but the emphasis is on “now and then”. Let me explain- more wine doesn’t mean greater health benefits, because, despite the other healthy properties in red wine, the alcohol itself is actually a neurotoxin, meaning it can poison your brain and can tax your liver among other bodily systems.

Resveratrol, perhaps the most talked about antioxidant in red wine, may help extend your lifespan, help with weight loss, feeling and looking younger and restoring cells. It’s believed to be a supreme antioxidant and can actually help restore and regenerate the body at the cellular level.

So I recommend an occasional glass, in small amounts.

Virtually every system of the body can benefit because resveratrol is restoring the health of cells and making them appear younger when you look at them on a cellular level.

Should I Take a Supplement Instead?

In my opinion, supplementing is a great option as Resveratrol does NOT contain alcohol as wine does. When you take a high quality resveratrol supplement, you’re getting the benefits of around 180 glasses of red wine, without the potential harmful health effects of alcohol. Plus the beneficial cofactors like vitamins, minerals, enzymes and probiotics that make it better absorbed by your body.
Resveratrol is highly tolerated by the body in supplement form, but only when it’s in a whole food form and produced using unheated and unadulterated methods.

Another great option is to simply add more blueberries into your diet. Blueberries contain high amounts of resveratrol, so it’s a great way to get the benefits, without the alcohol.

Restorlyf contains red wine but the alcohol content is removed.

RESTORLYF Longevity Formula
BFAD FR No. 78512

RestorLyf is a food supplement specially formulated to prolong one's
life! Regular intake can protect your heart, prevents inflammation and
protects the mitochondria, the powerhouse of every cells. When these parts of the body are protected, a person may achieve longer life!

RestorLyf has comprehensive, unique and standardized Resveratrol Blend of powerful Longevity Polyphenols:
*Japanese Knotweed
*Premium Red Wine Extract
*Grape Seed Extract
*Concentrated Red Wine Powder (Certified NO Alcohol Content)


* Prolongs lifespan
* Reduces signs of aging
* Reverses degenerative diseases
* Activates certain enzymes that regulate gene silencing and DNA repair
* Increases SIRT1 genes to protect cells against free radical
production and DNA damage, thereby reducing cell death
* Mimics the effects of dietary restriction
* Prevents pulmonary hypertension
* Found to have a positive impact on obesity:
a. Hindered fat storage
b. Reduced levels of inflammatory compounds
c. Increased levels of adiponectin
- Hormone that regulates fatty acid catabolism
- Promotes sensitivity to insulin
* Modulates pathomechanisms of debilitating neurological disorders,
such as strokes, ischemia and Huntington's and Alzheimer's diseases
* Prevents DNA damage / modification
* Prevents dysfunction in carotid arteries
* Prevents cigarette smoke stress and inflammation
* Prevents smoking-induced cell death in the arteries and mitochondrial

"Resveratrol activates Sirtuin enzymes that promotes longer life span.
And it has been proven thru extensive experiments with yeasts, worms, flies, fish and most recently with laboratory mice. Also reversing diseases associated with aging like cancer, diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, etc."
- National Institute of Aging

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Harvard Medical Research Studies

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