Monday, February 1, 2016

Reishi Mushroom: Fights Cancer, Boosts Immunity & Improves Liver Detox.

Reishi Mushroom: Fights Cancer, Boosts Immunity & Improves Liver Detox.
The reishi mushroom (Ganoderma lucidum), an edible type of medicinal fungus that has been used for various healing abilities for thousands of years, is a true “superfood.” Also known as Ling Zhi in Chinese, these mushrooms are strongly anti-inflammatory and tied to longevity, better immune function and mental clarity — perhaps that’s why they’ve adopted the nickname “king of mushrooms.”
As described in the book “Herbal Medicine: Biomolecular and Clinical Aspects,” in Chinese the name for the reishi mushroom represents “a combination of spiritual potency and essence of immortality … it’s tied to success, well-being, divine power, and longevity. Among cultivated mushrooms, G. lucidum is unique in that its pharmaceutical rather than nutritional value is paramount.” (1)
Throughout history in holistic medicine practices, including Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), reishi mushrooms have been considered to be adaptogen herb-like substances, meaning they help us deal with the negative effects of stress — such as increased inflammation, depleted energy levels, damaged blood vessels and various types of hormonal imbalances. Studies have repeatedly shown that reishi mushrooms have antioxidant abilities that allow them to strengthen the body’s defenses against cancer, autoimmune diseases, heart disease, allergies, infections and more.
And these are just some of the reishi mushroom benefits. So let’s take a look at why you should eat this type of nutritious, beneficial mushroom.
How the Reishi Mushroom Works
What are reishi mushrooms? Like other disease-fighting mushrooms, reishi mushrooms are a type of fungus that grow outdoors. They’re native to parts of Asia, including China, Korea and Japan. While they’re edible (some people describe them as tasting bitter and having a tough texture), you’re much more likely to find them in supplement, tincture or powder form.
Reish mushrooms grow above ground and produce “a fruiting body” along with connective strands (called mycelium), which are turned into an herbal medicine, tincture, tea, powder or extract.
For most of history, in Traditional Chinese Medicine fully grown reishi mushroom was dried, cut into slices, boiled in hot water and then steeped to make a healing tea/soup. Today, manufacturers of reishi products use a processing technique where reishi is boiled multiple times at a high pressure, allowing the active ingredients to be extracted to form a tincture.
Over the past several decades, dozens of different studies conducted in Japan, China, the U.S. and the U.K. have demonstrated that reishi mushrooms are capable of offering protection against numerous diseases or illnesses, including: (2)

fatigue (including chronic fatigue syndrome)
frequent infections (urinary tract, bronchitis, respiratory infections, etc.)
liver disease
food allergies and asthma
digestive problems, stomach ulcers and leaky gut syndrome
tumor growth and cancer
skin disorders
autoimmune disorders
viruses, including the flu, HIV/AIDS or hepatitis
heart disease, hypertension, high blood pressure and high cholesterol
sleep disorders and insomnia
anxiety and depression
Because they work as an “immune modulator,” reishi mushrooms can help restore hormonal balance, bring the body back to homeostasis and regulate activity of the immune system, including fighting tumors and cancerous cells. Research shows that reishi mushrooms act like a normalizing substance, regulating various cellular functions and systems, including the endocrine (hormonal), immune, cardiovascular, central nervous and digestive systems.
One of the best things about using reishi mushrooms is that they’re capable of doing so much, yet compared to medications they’re non-toxic and produce hardly any side effects of all. In fact most, people notice a quick improvement in their energy levels, mental capabilities and moods while also experiencing a reduction in aches, pains, allergies, digestive issues and infections.
The secret behind their healing potential? It’s the various active ingredients the reishi mushroom contains, which include: complex sugars known as beta-glucans, plant sterols that can act as precursors to hormones in the body, polysaccharides that fight cancer cell development, and acidic substances called triterpenes that turn off the body’s response to allergies. (3)
Recent findings suggest that reishi mushrooms can lower inflammation and increase the release of natural killer cells (or cytotoxicity), which work to remove various types of mutated cells from the body. This makes the reishi mushroom ideal as a natural cancer treatment and for prevention or heart disease. Some of the mechanisms of action by which reishi does this include: (4)
activating cytotoxic receptors (NKG2D/NCR)
inhibiting cell proliferation
suppressing vascular endothelial growth factor
increasing plasma antioxidant capacity
enhancing immune response
converting excess testosterone to dihydrotestosterone
6 Proven Reishi Mushroom Benefits
1. Defends Against Tumor Growth and Cancer
Just like other anti-inflammatory foods, reishi mushrooms contain several types of important anti-cancer nutrients, including antioxidants (such as the kinds called polysaccharides and triterpenoids), beta-glucans and amino acids. Researchers believe that one of the most beneficial components of the reshi mushroom is its polysaccharides, which are a water-soluble type of nutrient found in carbohydrate foods that are known to have anti-tumor abilities.
Polysaccharides, also found in other beneficial plant foods like sweet potatoes or beets, along with triterpenoids are immune-modulating substances that seem to defend DNA and stop cell mutations while protecting healthy cells. According to some studies, certain medicinal mushrooms fight cancer because polysaccharides have important biological benefits including antioxidant, neuro-protective, radio-protective, anti-diabetes, anti-osteoporosis and anti-fatigue abilities. (5)
Additionally, laboratory tests have demonstrated that triterpenes have cancer-fighting properties, which is one reason why brightly colored or bitter-tasting, highly antioxidant foods like pumpkin, berries and black rice have a reputation for promoting health. Triterpene compounds seem to inhibit tumor invasion and metastases by limiting attachment of cancerous cells to endothelial cells. Beta-glucans are also natural cancer-fighters since they stop the growth and spread of cancer cells while causing the immune system to become more active.
Reishi mushrooms have been successfully used to fight cancer of the breasts, ovaries, prostate, liver and lungs, sometimes in combination with other treatments. (6) For patients who are recovering from cancer or undergoing chemotherapy and radiation treatments, reishi has protective effects that can make the medication more effective. Research in cancer patients suggests that reishi has antiproliferative and chemopreventive effects, helps alleviate side effects of chemotherapy like low immunity and nausea, and enhances the efficacy of radiotherapy — making the reishi mushroom one of the most powerful cancer-fighting foods available.
2. Improves Liver Function and Detoxification
TCM differs from “Western medicine” in some ways because it emphasizes disease prevention, instead of simply treating symptoms once they appear. Within the body, one of the main focal points of TCM is the liver, since the liver is responsible for helping clean, process, store and circulate healthy blood and nutrients. Adaptogen herbs or supplements like reishi mushooms are one piece of the puzzle when it comes to maintaining the right balance within the body (other important aspects include a healthy diet, exercise and meditation) because they’re believed to help strengthen the digestive system, where nutrients are actually broken down and absorbed.
Adaptogens can improve liver function and prevent liver disease, resulting in numerous benefits because this allows waste and toxins to be flushed from the body more efficiently, improving immunity against diseases that can develop over time. A 2013 study published in the International Journal of Medicinal Mushrooms found that reishi induces hepatoprotective effects on acute liver injury because it contains antioxidant properties and fights harmful immune responses that slow down liver function. (7)
3. Promotes Heart Health and Balances Blood Pressure
Triterpenes found the reishi mushroom seem to have blood pressure-lowering abilities as well as benefits for blood-clotting and cholesterol, likely because they help lower inflammation within blood vessels and arteries while also restoring hormonal balance. (8) High blood pressure or high cholesterol can sometimes be caused by hormonal issues, including thyroid disorders or high amounts of stress, but reishi mushrooms help restore optimal hormonal levels and also strengthen the cardiovascular system. (9)
In addition to lowering blood pressure, reishi can improve overall circulation, lower inflammation that worsens heart problems, and prevent clogged arteries or high cholesterol levels. Some early research suggests that taking reishi mushroom supplements (including ganopoly) reduces symptoms of clogged arteries, chest pains and shortness of breath.
4. Helps Balance Hormones and Fight Diabetes
Research suggests that several antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds found in reishi mushrooms change the way that nerves transmit messages to the brain, improving various functions within the endocrine and central nervous systems and balancing hormones naturally. Reishi mushroom supplementation is used to lower symptoms of diabetes, fatigue and hormonal imbalances, while improving fertility and reproductive health. (010)
The reishi mushroom lowers the amount of toxins or heavy metals that can accumulate within the body and cause sluggishness, which is why these mushrooms are tied to improved energy levels, better concentration, improved memory and even better quality sleep. Clinical studies have also shown that reishi extract exerts mild anti-diabetic effects and improves dyslipidemia. Some research suggests that taking reishi mushroom supplements for 12 weeks reduces severity and complications of type 2 diabetes, since it can raise hemoglobin levels but not blood sugar levels.
5. Fights Allergies and Asthma
One of the active ingredients of reshi mushrooms is triterpenes, a type of ganoderic acid that is tied to a reduction in allergies and histamine reactions associated with asthma. It’s this reason why the reishi mushroom is an asthma natural remedy. (11) Triterpenes are capable of lowering allergic reactions because of the way they affect the immune system, strengthen the digestive organs, protect the gut lining, lower inflammation, inhibit a histamine release, improve oxygen utilization and improve liver functions.
6. Reduces Risk for Infections and Viruses
Reishi mushrooms are considered a natural antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal substance. Aside from reducing allergies, triterpemes offer protection against microbial infections, viruses and fungal infections. Triterpenes can be found in many plant foods that taste somewhat bitter, a sign that they’re protective in nature and defend the plant against predators. In studies, isolated triterpenes have been shown to strengthen the lining of the digestive organs, fight off “bad bacteria,” help good bacteria replenish and protect against cell mutations.
Because reishi mushrooms can improve blood circulation and lower inflammation, they can help resolve infections more quickly, reduce pain and fight fatigue. Reishi mushrooms have been used to help treat symptoms and underlying causes of urinary tract infections, respiratory and sinus infections, hepatitis, bronchitis, and even the HIV and AIDS viruses.
If you want to get the benefits of Reishi Mushroom, you can have it in C24/7. C24/7 contains 12 mushrooms and reishi mushroom is one of the component.
C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is a breakthrough product from Nature's Way,and is exclusively distributed by Alliance In Motion Global. C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals is approved as Halal by the Muslims and Kosher by the Jews. It is 100% Excipient Free and the material used for encapsulating Complete is also made from Vegetables (Vegetarian Capsules or V-Caps) C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals utilizes Nanotechnology(for faster absorption), Phyto-Alkatech (to protect the nutrients from stomach acids) and Syner-tech (for a synergistic boost).
C24/7 Contains:
29 Vitamins and Minerals/Trace Minerals
12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend
12 Whole Vegatable Juice Blend
12 Mushrooms
12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients
12 Digestive Enzymes
10 Essential Fatty Acids
14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
18 Amino Acids
Citrus Bioflovanoid Complex
5 Anti-Aging/Anti-Oxidant enhancers
Longevity Polyphenols/Mega-Resveratrol Blend
29 Vitamins and Minerals/Trace Minerals
The Vitamins and Minerals contained in Complete are Chelated which gives them the ability to bind and expel bacteria, viruses,heavy metals,etc. They also have a Synergistic Effect which allows the nutrients to boost each other and therefore maximize their individual effects.
1. Vitamin A (Retinol Palmitate)
2. Vitamin A (Beta Carotene)
3. Vitamin C (Sodium Ascorbate)
4. Vitamin D (Ergoacalciferol)
5. Vitamin E (D-Alpha Tocopheryl Succinate)
6. Vitamin K (Phytonadione)
7. Thiamine (Thiamine Mononitrate)
8. Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
9. Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine HCL)
10. Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
11. Vitamin B8 (Inositol)
12. Vitamin B9 (Folic Acid)
13. Vitamin BX (PABA)
14. Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)
15. Pantothenic Acid
16. Calcium
17. Iron (Organic)
18. Iodine
19. Magnesium
20. Zinc (Amino Acid Chelate)
21. Selenium
22. Copper (Amino Acid Chelate)
23. Manganese
24. Chromium
25. Molybdenum
26. Sodium
27. Potassium
28. Boron
29. Hesperidin
12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend

These fruits are juiced whole,peels and seeds included,because recent studies show that about 97-98% of all the nutrients that a fruit has is in its peel and seed.
1. Plum
2. Cranberry
3. Blueberry
4. Strawberry
5. Blackberry
6. Bilberry
7. Cherry
8. Apricot
9. Papaya
10. Orange
11. Grape
12. Pineapple
12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend

According to the World Health Organization,the human body needs at least 5 different kinds of fruits and vegetables everyday in order to remain healthy. This blend is specially formulated for Synergistic purposes. The vegetables are also juiced whole,just like the fruits.
1. Parsley
2. Kale
3. Spinach
4. Wheat Grass
5. Brussels Sprouts
6. Asparagus
7. Broccoli
8. Cauliflower
9. Beet
10. Carrot
11. Cabbage
12. Garlic
12 Mushrooms

These are the 12 most potent medicinal mushrooms in the world. They are cultivated in Europe and Japan
1. Cordyceps
2. Reishi
3. Shiitake
4. Maitake
5. Hiratake
6. Yamabushitake
7. Himematsutake
8. Kawaratake
9. Chaga
10. Zhu-Ling
11. Agarikon
12. Mesima
12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients

These Specialty Nutrients work together in repairing damages in the Brain/Nervous System functions. It helps prevent degenerative Brain damage and helps keep our nervous system healthy.
1. Siberian Eleuthero
2. Inositol
3. Choline
4. Bitartrate
5. Para Aminobenzoic Acid
6. Rutin
7. Ribonucleic acid(RNA)
8. Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA)
9. Chlorophyll
10. Hesperidin
11. Boron
12. Lutein
12 Digestive Enzymes
These enzymes are essential to the body because good health is heavily dependent on good digestion,and good digestion is totally dependent upon having sufficient enzymes in the body. Vitamins,minerals,and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. These enzymes are also needed for breaking down the fats in the body.
1. Protease I
2. Protease II
3. Peptizyme SP
4. Amylase
5. Alpha-Galactosidase
6. Invertase
7. Lipase
8. Cellulase
9. Lactase
10. Betaine HCL
11. Bromelain
12. Papain

10 Essential Fatty Acids
Essential Fatty Acid,also known as Omega Fatty Acids, are simply the "Good Fats" that eliminate the "Bad Fats" in the body. The EFA's in C24/7 come from plant sources,particularly Flax seed and Sunflower Seed. EFA's are essential in preventing Heart Disease,Cancer and Mental Retardation.
1. Alpha-Linolenic Acid (Omega 3)
2. Oleic Acid (Omega 9)
3. Linoleic Acid (Omega 6)
4. Palmitic Acid
5. Stearic Acid
6. Behenic Acid
7. Gadoleic Acid
8. Palmitoleic Acid
9. Eicosanoic Acid
10. Lignoceric Acid
14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend

These Green Foods are particularly rich in Chlorophyll,which is proven to prevent many diseases.
1. Spirulina
2. Alfalfa
3. Barley Grass
4. Dandelion
5. Wheat Grass
6. Melissa Leaf
7. Lemon Grass
8. Nettle Leaf
9. Blessed Thistle
10. Chlorella
11. Blue-Green Algae
12. Marigold
13. Spinach
14. Plantain
18 Amino Acids

Amino Acids are building blocks of Protein. Since the body is all made up of Protein,naturally it is also the building blocks of our body.
1. Tryptophan
2. Methionine
3. Cysteine
4. Glutamine
5. Asparagine
6. Leucine
7. Alanine
8. Arginine
9. Lysine
10. Threonine
11. Valine
12. Glycine
13. Isoleucine
14. Serine
15. Proline
16. Phenylalanine
17. Tyrosine
18. Histidine
Citrus Bioflavonoid Complex

This formula helps in the disintegration of Vitamin C in the body. The Bioflavonoids come from all natural sources particularly Lemon, Orange,Grapefruit,Lime and Tangerine
1. Eriocitrin
2. Naringin
3. Narirutin
4. Flavonones
5. Flavonols
6. Flavones
5 Anti-Aging/Anti-Oxidant enhancers
1. Cysteine Hydrochloride - An amino acid known to detoxify the liver and counter the negative effect of alcohol (such as Liver Damage and Hangover). It also helps the liver produce more Glutathione.
2. Coenzyme Q-10 - Helps fight Cancer and Heart Diseases. Can give humans a longer lifespan
3. Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) - Fights Cancer and Heart Diseases. Prevents Blood Clots
4. Grape Skin Extract - An excellent source of Resveratrol
5. Quercetin - A very powerful anti-oxidant/anti-inflammatory agent
Longevity Polyphenols/Mega-Resveratrol Blend
1. Japanese Knotweed - An excellent source of Resveratrol
2. Premium Red Wine Extract - Lengthens human Lifespan
3. Grape Seed Extract - An excellent anti-oxidant Lengthens human Lifespan
4. Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content) - Lengthens human Lifespan
Does Not Contain
Artificial ingredients or preservatives. No yeast, milk, lactose, sugar or dairy products. Certified by: BFAD, HALAL, USFDA, GMP, FROST & SULLIVAN, KOSHER, NAFDAC & IFANCA

For orders, you can contact me at whatsapp, imo & viber +639272333761 or you can leave your comment here. 

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