Sunday, February 7, 2016

Can Supplements Help Reverse Huntington’s Disease?

You’ve most likely heard of disorders like ALS, Parkinson’s disease and Alzheimer’s disease, but you may not have heard about an equally terrifying condition called Huntington’s disease (HD).
Capable of damaging nerves and disturbing important chemical-signaling processes that take place between the brain and other body parts, some people even describe common Huntington’s disease symptoms as “like having ALS, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s simultaneously.”
Clearly, this is a condition that can drastically affect someone from going about even normal, everyday activities. Unfortunately, there is no known cure — however, research suggests supplementation may help reverse HD to a certain extent.
So what are the signs and symptoms of Huntington’s disease, and what treatment options are out there to help curb and potentially reverse this debilitating condition? Let’s explore.
What Is Huntington’s Disease?
Huntington’s disease is an unfortunate and somewhat rare genetic brain disorder that currently affects about 30,000 Americans. According to the Huntington’s Disease Society of America, HD is called a “family disease” because children who have a parent with HD have about a 50/50 chance of carrying the faulty gene themselves. (1)
Sadly, people with HD usually experience drastic personality changes, loss of memory and impaired motor skills over the course of 10–25 years, which makes it hard to live a normal, functioning life.
HD is a debilitating disease that disturbs someone’s ability to think, reason, connect socially, remember information and move. While emerging research suggests that certain natural supplements might be able to help stall the progression of HD, currently it’s classified as a progressive fatal disorder that has no known proven cure.
Despite the option to perform testing to find out if someone has inherited the HD gene, according to survey results published by Harvard University and the MassGeneral Institute for Neurodegenerative Disease,
more than 90 percent of those in the United States who know they are at risk for HD because of their family history have abstained from genetic testing, often because they fear discrimination or don’t want to face the stress and anxiety of knowing they are destined to develop such a devastating disease. (2)
5 Natural Treatments for Huntington’s Disease
Traditionally, most physicians prescribe a number of medications to help control the various emotional and physical symptoms of HD, although these are used to make living easier and don’t actually address the underlying problem at its root. As of 2008, some progress was made when the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the drug tetrabenazine to treat involuntary writhing movements of HD, making it the very first HD drug approved for use in the U.S.
One of the downsides to taking medication for HD and other cognitive disorders is that they commonly have a lot of side effects, such as fatigue, insomnia, appetite and mood changes, etc. (3)
Research shows the most effective treatment plan for Huntington’s disease is holistic — one that treats the “whole person” with cognitive skill building, supplements, an anti-inflammatory diet and appropriate physical activity.
What else besides medications might be able to help stall the progression of Huntington’s disease? Here are several ways that practitioners are now managing HD symptoms:
1. Reduce Inflammation
Whether it’s a disorder of the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune or central nervous system, inflammation only makes matters worse. Scientific investigations find that high inflammation levels and oxidative stress caused by free radicals can speed up disease progression and worsen symptoms.
Using electronic and other technologies, researchers are now beginning to better understand how inflammation is related to mutated cells, defective energy metabolism (a defect in the mitochondria) and oxidative stress (normal metabolic activity in the brain that produces toxic compounds called free radicals), which all contribute to disease formation.
Inflammation, worsened by factors like a poor diet, environmental pollution, toxin exposure, high stress levels and inactivity, can affect immunity and the body’s “tropic factors,” meaning the natural chemical substances that are supposed to protect against cell changes and death.
To lower inflammation, it’s important to eat a healing diet that’s nutrient-dense, limit use of harsh chemicals in household/beauty products, avoid smoking, stay active and try to manage stress.
2. Maintain Physical Activity
It’s been found that people with HD can greatly benefit from staying active as long as they can. Doctors consider it “extremely important for people with HD to maintain physical fitness as much as possible” since those who exercise and keep active tend to maintain better control over physical movements for longer.
While exercise or even everyday activity can become harder as time goes on, regular movement and exercise can make a big impact. With neurodegenerative diseases, it’s also now accepted that regular and sustained physical activity has the potential to benefit cardiovascular health and other factors that can impair quality of life and lead to complications, adding this to the list of the benefits of exercise.
Studies have shown that in HD patients, physical activity can help manage stress from social stigma, lack of motivation and trouble with executive functions. (4)
3. Adjust Diet to Stall Weight Loss
Throughout the progression of Huntington’s disease, weight loss usually occurs, sometimes very quickly and to the point that it causes serious complications. While it becomes harder and harder to chew normally and safely, changing someone’s diet to make sure he or she consumes enough nutrients and calories is important. (5)
This helps fight complications of being underweight like worsened depression, very low energy, thyroid gland changes and poor digestion. Helping people with HD maintain their appetites as long as possible can be very helpful. It’s also useful to make food easier to consume, such as pureeing or blending foods into smoothies, soups, etc.
In addition, intermittent fasting has been shown to have positive effects on neurological disorders, so it may not hurt to practice fasting as well.
4. Cognitive Training
Setting up a clear schedule, following a routine and practicing reminders of daily life seem to be helpful when it comes to managing cognitive and psychiatric disorders. Doctors recommend that family and caregivers of those with HD help create an environment that limits stress, too much difficult decision-making and the need to learn new information often. This can mean:
Using calendars and clear schedules
Creating a predictable routine
Setting reminders
Keeping the living area organized
Prioritizing certain activities over others
Staying social and practicing hobbies to lower stress
Breaking down difficult tasks into manageable steps
Creating a calm living environment that is structured and has limited uncertainty
Avoiding family conflict, fights and other stressors
5. Natural Supplementation

Early studies done by Massachusetts General Hospital find that high doses of certain supplements, namely the nutritional compound called creatine can help delay the onset of symptoms of Huntington’s disease. Creatine was safe and well-tolerated by most of the 64 study participants who were either confirmed to be carrying the HD gene or at a high risk but not yet tested. Using neuroimaging studies, the researchers found that treatment slowed regional brain atrophy and progression of presymptomatic HD. (6)
HD damages brain cells by interfering with cellular energy production, leading to a depletion of adenosine triphosphate (ATP). ATP is the underlying molecule that powers most biological processes and essentially gives our cells”energy.” Creatine has long been known to help restore ATP and maintain cellular energy, which is why it’s being studied in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease, ALS and spinal cord injuries, which are all impacted by neurodegeneration. In earlier studies, daily doses of 10 grams or less of creatine have been used without much success, but newer studies are evaluating doses as high as 40 grams daily and finding more promise.

In the past, privacy and patient autonomy have been an obstacle in testing genetic disorders. The 2014 study design was one of the first of its kind to test genetic diseases without needing subjects to first be screened for whether or not they carried the gene, since some preferred not to know.
Professors of neurology at Harvard Medical School are currently continuing to study the effects of creatine in HD patients by leading a worldwide phase 3 trial (CREST-E) of high-dose creatine in early symptomatic HD. At this time, high doses of creatine should be used only under the care of a doctor, although in the future we might see this option become more widely accessible.
On the Horizon: More Hope for Treating Huntington’s Disease
Aside from creatine, numerous other supplements and complimentary forms of medicine are being studied in regard to their ability to stall, prevent or reverse brain and nerve damage. Some include: antioxidants such as resveratrol, coenzyme Q10, vitamin E, ethyl-EPA, idebenone and various holistic health techniques. (7) Results from various studies using supplements/herbs have been mixed so far, with some patients experiencing improvements and others not reaching statistical significance that suggests they’re getting better.
What we can expect to see in the future is likely the emergence of holistic treatment plans that do more than mask symptoms with drugs. There’s a growing trend toward treating the “whole person” when it comes to disease management, regardless of the type of disease. (8) For example, various alternative therapies are now commonly used to reverse cognitive disorders, including:
avoiding chronic stress 
focusing on individualizing treatments and treating the whole person
promoting relaxation, self-care and self-healing
focusing on good nutrition and a nutrient-dense diet that is anti-inflammatory
using preventive practices like exercise, sleep and avoiding toxin exposure
While we need to wait to see what research emerges in years to come, it makes sense that even for genetic disorders, helping people stay in the best of health overall — including physically, mentally, spiritually and emotionally — will likely give them the best chance of healing.

Symptoms of Huntington’s Disease
Like certain other cognitive or nerve disorders, Huntington’s disease symptoms aren’t usually present from a young age. Most people start developing HD symptoms between the ages of 30 and 50. Once they begin, symptoms tend to worsen over the next one to two decades until the disorder reaches a fatal point.
HD patients become very weak and as their immune systems suffer, which results in many people eventually developing illnesses like pneumonia or heart complications. While normally a healthy person can overcome these obstacles, someone with Huntington’s disease isn’t capable of recovering.
Common symptoms of Huntington’s disease include: (9)
Personality changes and mood disturbances
Symptoms of depression
Mood swings
Memory loss, forgetfulness
Impaired judgment and reasoning
Slurred speech
Involuntary movements (known as chorea)
Difficulty swallowing and eating
Loss of appetite, significant weight loss
How Huntington’s Disease Develops and Progresses

HD manifests by affecting nerves spread throughout just about the entire brain, including the striatum, subthalamic nucleus and substancia nigra. Certain areas of the brain are more vulnerable to the effects of nerve damage than others. The area called the basal ganglia is where a group of nerves cells are clustered together, which are called nuclei. HD damages parts of the nuelei, which are responsible for regulating body movements and also behaviors.
The “control center” of the brain is another area that’s damaged by HD, which is why someone’s judgment, rationalization and moods are also negatively impacted. Degeneration in this areas is what leads people over time to feel like they’re “losing their minds” with age.
HD is said to progress in three stages: early HD, middle and late stage. (10)
Early Stage Huntington’s Disease
At first, someone experiences only subtle, sometimes unnoticeable symptoms like losing their balance, lacking coordination, or having some trouble swallowing and controlling the tongue. Others can start to see signs of involuntary movements (chorea) while in the early stages of HD.
As time goes on, difficulty reasoning and mood changes continue to develop. Someone might become depressed, irritable or prone to mood fluctuations — which can partially be due to the changes happening in the brain, but also worsened once a Huntington’s disease diagnoses is made. At this point, some doctors prescribe mood-controlling medications to help alleviate symptoms of depression, but as HD worsens, it becomes more and more difficult to work, maintain relationships and live alone.
Middle Stage Huntington’s Disease
Middle stage HD results in a further loss of physical control over movements, as nerves continue to become damaged. Ordinary activities and leading a normal life become harder to do at this point. Involuntary movements, shakes and slurred speech are common, which people often associate with being characteristic of other disorders like MS or Parkinson’s disease.
Medications can sometimes help the lack of movement control (chorea), while occupational and physical therapists might also enter the equation to further assist with coordination, stability, swallowing and walking.
Late Stage Huntington’s Disease
By the time someone has had HD for a number of years, he or she is usually totally dependent on others and might live in a full-time facility. Motor control becomes worsened in most cases, while someone also struggles to speak, chew, eat and walk. The parts of the brain responsible for memory, language and comprehending information also continue to decline, which means it’s hard to put sentences together or remember other people.
Because it’s hard to control the tongue and swallow normally, choking is also a major concern at this point, which means HD patients cannot eat alone. Once HD becomes fatal, it’s not the actual disorder that causes a person to die, but rather the illnesses they acquire in the process of its progression (like infections or heart problems) or complications of the disease (like choking, falling and rapid weight loss).
Causes of Huntington’s Disease and How It’s Passed On
Surprisingly, we all carry a certain gene that ‘s linked to Huntington’s disease — however, people who wind up developing the disorder must inherit another specific genetic factor that expands and worsens the disorder. The “expanded” HD gene is passed from parent to child, and every person who inherits the gene eventually develops the disease. Whether one child in a family inherits the gene or not has no effect on whether other children in the family will or will not. (11)
While roughly 30,000 Americans have a diagnoses of HD, another 200,000 are at risk for developing the disorder genetically but have not yet started to display symptoms. Both men and women are equally susceptible to developing HD, and it affects people of all nationalities, ethnic groups and religions throughout the world.
Huntington’s disease is genetic (offspring inheriting an affected gene have a 50 percent chance of the disorder progressing), inherited and considered “autosomal dominant.” This means that the likelihood of the expanded HD gene passing from parent to child does not depend on the child’s gender; both females and males have an equal chance of being affected.
One of the saddest things about Huntington’s disease is that it often devastates entire families, since it can affect family members for many generations and make it hard to sustain relationships or a positive outlook. Children of patients with HD usually face a very high level of stress due to both the uncertainty of having the disorder potentially develop in years to come, plus the responsibility of taking care of a sick parent.
One of the hardest decisions a family usually faces is whether or not to perform prenatal or genetic testing in order to know if an unborn baby or child is affected by carrying the HD gene. Because there currently isn’t a proven cure or prevention method, there isn’t necessarily anything positive or preventative people can do once they find out they carry the gene or have passed it on to their offspring. However, some people choose to do testing as early as possible in order to know what’s ahead or to have more choices about how to handle the future.
In about 10 percent of cases, HD symptoms emerge in children or teens, since the vast majority don’t show symptoms until years later during middle age. This is called juvenile Huntington’s disease (JHD). Symptoms of JHD are somewhat different than adult onset HD and tend to get worse faster than adult HD. Common symptoms that appear in children can include trouble walking, instability, clumsiness or changes in speech.
Before the age of 18, genetic testing for HD is prohibited because authorities fear that children will not understand the full implications of HD or benefit from knowing what’s in their futures. If children begin showing signs of HD at a very young age before they turn 18, tests can be performed to confirm a partial diagnoses. If a woman is pregnant and wants to find out if the baby carries the gene, she can receive testing for the fetus early on between weeks 10–18 of her pregnancy.
Takeaways on Huntington’s Disease
While dealing with Huntington’s disease can feel hopeless at times, there are preventative measures and natural treatments to slow and even perhaps reverse this dreadful disease. There may not be a cure, but maintaining a healthy, organic diet is a key to reducing inflammation and staving off cognitive disorders like HD.

In addition, cognitive training along with physical activity promote brain health, which can strengthen the defense against rapid cognitive decline. And of course, there is promising research on the use of supplements to curb and potentially reverse this debilitating disorder.
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Why take C24/7 Natura-Ceuticals?

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C24/7 Components:
1. Approximately 22,000 Antioxidants and Phytonutrients
Antioxidant means anti-cancer, anti-hypertension, anti-cholesterol, anti-diabetes, or in other words, it fights many different kinds of diseases.
Phyto means plants that give a lot of health benefits to our bodies.

2. 29 Vitamins and Minerals/Trace Minerals

Our body can not produce vitamins. That is why we need food supplements.
The Vitamins and Minerals contained in C24/7 are chelated which gives them the ability to bind and expel bacteria, viruses, heavy metals, etc.
According to studies, vitamins are more effective when it has minerals along with it because it has a “synergistic effect”, where one won’t function effectively without the other. It allows the nutrients to boost each other and therefore maximize their individual effects.

3. 12 Whole Fruit Juice Blend

The broad spectrum of nutrients in this mixture is essential to health, vitality and energy.
We all know that fruits are the best sources of good nutrition.
These fruits are juiced whole, peels and seeds included, because recent studies show that about 97-98% of all the nutrients that a fruit has is in its peel and seed.

4. 12 Whole Vegetable Juice Blend
According to the World Health Organization, the human body needs at least 5 different kinds of fruits and vegetables everyday in order to remain healthy. This blend is specially formulated for Synergistic purposes. The vegetables are also juiced whole, just like the fruits.
5. 12 Mushrooms
These 12 of the world’s most potent medicinal mushrooms are rich in polysaccharides that helps prevent cancer and the spread and development of cancer cells. They are cultivated in Europe and Japan.
6. 14 Green Foods/Spirulina Blend
Chlorophyll, the green coloring pigment of the plant, was discovered as very beneficial because it is a good source of antioxidant.
Spirulina is also called as a “Complete Food” by the World Health Organization.

7. 12 Digestive Enzymes
According to studies, the mother of all kinds of diseases is constipation. The waste left in our intestines becomes toxins that cause different kinds of diseases. Good health is dependent upon good digestion.
These enzymes are essential to the body because good health is heavily dependent on good digestion, and good digestion is totally dependent upon having sufficient enzymes in the body. Vitamins, minerals, and hormones must have enzymes to work properly. These enzymes are also needed for breaking down the fats in the body.

8. 10 Essential Fatty Acids
It has Omega Oil 3 and 6 that dissolves harmful fatty deposits.
Also known as Omega Fatty Acids, are the "Good Fats" that eliminate the "Bad Fats" in the body. The EFA's in C24/7 come from plant sources, particularly Sunflower and Flax seed. EFA's are essential in preventing heart diseases, cancer and mental retardation.

9. 12 Herbs/Specialty Nutrients
C24/7 enhances memory as it has Brain Boosters. This is also effective against clogged arteries and veins, and it promotes healthy blood circulation.
These specialty nutrients work together in repairing damages in the Brain/Nervous System functions. It helps prevent degenerative brain damage and helps keep our nervous system healthy.

10. 18 Amino Acids

These are the building blocks of protein. Since the body is all made up of protein, naturally it is also the building blocks of our body.
11. Citrus Bioflovanoid Complex

This formula helps in the disintegration of vitamin C in the body. The Bioflavonoids come from all natural sources particularly Lemon, Orange, Grapefruit, Lime and Tangerine.
12. 5 Anti-Aging / Anti-Oxidant Enhancers

Cysteine Hydrochloride - An amino acid known to detoxify the liver and counter the negative effect of alcohol (such as Liver Damage and Hangover)
Coenzyme Q-10 - Helps fight Cancer and Heart Diseases. Can give humans a longer lifespan
Green Tea EGCG (Epigallocatechin Gallate) - Fights Cancer and Heart Diseases. Prevents Blood Clots
Grape Skin Extract - An excellent source of Resveratrol
Corsitine - A very powerful anti-oxidant

13. 4 Longevity Polyphenols / Mega-Resveratrol Blend
Japanese Knotweed - An excellent source of Resveratrol
Premium Red Wine Extract - Lengthens human Lifespan
Grape Seed Extract - An excellent anti-oxidant Lengthens human Lifespan
Concentrated Red Wine Powder (certified NO alcohol content) - Lengthens human Lifespan

C24/7 Technology

PHYTO-ALKATECH: A powerful complex of natural alkaline ingredients designed to enhance the alkalinity of this formulation and also to protect and neutralize possible acid damage when it reaches the stomach. It preserves the purity and potency of this natura-ceuticals.
SYNERTECH: Embodies the science and technology of the combined complimentary and synergistic effects of nature's most powerful elements and phyto-chemical nutrients. It has been proven over the years that many anti-oxidants are better taken with other anti-oxidants providing a more enhanced effects as compared to taking them alone.
Faster Absorption Rate
Nutrients are better absorbed into the blood stream because its Vegetarian V-caps disintegrate 5x faster than other leading brands.
No Excipients added, 100% all natural.
No Gum Arabic
No Fillers
No Binders

Source: Dr. Axe

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1 comment:

  1. Digging deeper into my thoughts, I found that I was wanting to express this gratitude I am feeling for those who have lost their battle to ALS. I am saddened that anyone had to lose their life to this nasty disease and it pains me that so many suffered a horrible fight and continue to this day to loose to this battle. I want to give thanks to all the amazing and courageous fighters that have faced this disease head on, who endured so much and gave a strong fight to the end. These people paved the way for all of us now who are getting cured...including myself.
    i was been cured of ALS from a man, i would love you'll to meet he is nice and he got me cure within the period of 3 months, here is his mail
