Friday, February 5, 2016


With Mr. Ryan Topada, Top 10 Earner of AI,M Global 

We had a great opportunity last night to attend the BIG OPP & LEADER'S MEETING at AIM Global office. As usual the it was well attended by a massive crowd of people who aspire to be successful in the business venture. The ambiance was jovial as everyone was so inspired when Mr. Ryan Topada shared his story from rags to riches by doing AIM Global. He has been in the industry for 7 years and earned almost 30 Million pesos. Wow, our eyes turned big. That was a gargantuan amount of money that we cannot get from employment. Imagine, he rank as Top 10 earner among the AIM Global distributors. He said he already purchased 4 cars & planning to buy a new one this year, a condominium, he just recently purchased a lot worth 3 Million pesos & will built a house soon. Those are huge accomplishments.
In life, if you want to reap the only need to see the beautiful side of the world and what it offers. Secondly, when you see that opportunity, don't let it pass because that is an answer to your prayers to CHANGE YOUR LIFE. The path to success is not easy but it is always an acid test whether you quit or whether you continue your journey. Those who quit are losers and those who continue, are champions.
For me, the journey has just begun....but I am determined to pursue my goals. I find strength in God. Next from my children. I want them to retire young. That is the best legacy I can leave behind.
If you are parents, think about your children. Do you want them to be poor for the rest of their lives and you can't even give what they want? Or if you see your parents suffering from illnesses, do you want them to live longer? Then invest in AIM Global. AIM Global has breakthrough products that will help fight against toxins in your body & boost your immune system. Plus it has a lucrative marketing side that can make you a millionaires when you do the business seriously.

With business partner, Silfa

Mr. Ryan Topada sharing his experiences. He has funny bone. All of us were laughing of his jokes. He said he earns 30 million pesos for 7 years doing AIM Global business

Crossline, Myla conducting product presentation. Very well versed with the products. 

With uplines, Susan Baguio & Dan Taoc. I and Dan worked as Operations Supervisor in a Call Center. Earning P30,000 in a month but now doing AIM Global full-time. We both fired our boss. 

Doing the power sign before the big event. 

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