Monday, February 8, 2016

Best Times to Eat for Weightloss

What is the Best Time to Eat for Weight Loss?
If you’ve ever dieted, you’ve probably asked yourself this question at least once. What is the best time of day to eat in order to lose weight?
Some experts believe eating small portions of food every two – three hours throughout the day will keep your metabolism active, and therefore you will burn more calories. This thinking could be true, except the success of this reasoning’s effectiveness would depend on a number of factors.

What you’re eating, your age, your overall health, your oral health, portion size, your body’s chemistry makeup, the amount of exercise you get and your family health history can all play a role in how your body functions relative to what you do to, and with it as you try to lose weight.

If you’re eating sugary foods that are nothing more than empty calories, or you’re consuming processed foods, you may be defeating the purpose. Foods that are full of sugar or preservatives can cause your blood sugar levels to spike and then, soon after, to plummet. This leaves you with a feeling of being hungry and you reach for food again, sooner than expected.

Additionally, if you don’t give your body time enough to digest what you’ve already eaten before you consume more food, your body doesn’t have time to complete a very important process called protein synthesis; a process by which your body naturally breaks down protein into valuable amino acids. If you’re not a real active person, this could be happening to you in between meals, and your dieting efforts could be getting thwarted.

Another view is the idea that if you eat a big breakfast, you don’t need to eat again until your midday meal. Again, the logic of this depends on what you had for breakfast, your level of energy use throughout your morning, as well as your overall health, and body chemistry.

So, When is the Best Time to Eat for Weight Loss?
The best time to eat for weight loss is first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach. Eating a well-balanced morning meal can jumpstart your metabolism, which will help you burn more calories. Not eating a morning meal will actually slow your metabolism down which results in less caloric consumption.
I recommend a berry smoothie with coconut milk, frozen berries and a raw egg (or a scoop of my Protein Powder).
If you don’t feed your body properly it will go into survival mode. Your body will believe that it has to survive on the minerals and vitamins that are left inside of it. Your body’s reaction to this is to slow down your metabolism in order to consume less calories as a means of being able to sustain itself longer.
When Not to Eat
Eating 2 hours or less before bedtime isn’t good for weight loss.

Though it actually depends on the type of food consumed, it takes on average at least a couple of hours for the human body to break down food. This process is sped up when you are active, and slowed down when you’re not. Because we become less active as the day wears on, our metabolism slows down.
Therefore, eating food, and then being inactive by going to bed will slow down the digestive process, which in turn, slows down the time it takes your body to remove the good stuff in the food and discard the waste, which can result in inadequate weight loss, and even weight gain.
Definitely reduce or completely eliminate the amount of empty calories you consume each day, eat a well-balanced meal each morning, and refrain from consuming food before bedtime. Remove processed grains and sugars from your diet as well.
You might also consider consulting a nutritionist who can help you identify what eating habits will work best for you relative to your age, health, family health history and other mitigating factors.

Additionally, get 20 – 30 minutes of daily exercise, drink plenty of water, and larger portions of vegetables; all of which will help you in your efforts to lose weight. I recommend burst training exercises, as you can burn up to 3-9 times more fat than traditional cardio.
For weight loss problem, we offer BURN products of AIM Global. These products are not yet available in Africa. You can order here. One Global package cost $275.00 including the shipping cost. The global package contains the following:
Slimming with AIM GLOBAL B.U.R.N is a 90-day complete program with proper supplementation and DVD workout.
Get this complete package to see results within 90 days.
Basically, B.U.R.N program is for people who likes to lose weight. This program comes with an easy DVD workout performed by an international fitness instructor and meal replacement supplements packed with proper nutrition your body will need for the 90-day slimming challenge.
Body Under Right Nutrition (BURN)

a. Burn Liven SLIMMING COFFEE-- original aim coffee powered with fat burning ingredient.sugar free, sweetened by stevia.
b. Burn Meal replacement shake-- with dvd program to follow in 8 to 10 weeks to reduce your weight.
c. Burn Slim tablet --- appetite suppressant, increases body metabolism, burns fats.

BURN MATE ICED TEA: The Green Iced Tea for Weight Loss,
Energy and Vitality
Based on profound scientific knowledge and patented
EFLA®HyperPure process technology, Frutarom developed
Finomate®, a green mate leaf extract with proven efficacy
through multiple modes of action to improve weight control
and vitality & energy.

With the addition of other ingredients with clinical studies on
satiety, metabolism and weight control such Green Tea Extract
EFLA 942, Satiereal, Carnipure and Fibruline, our BURN Mate
Iced Tea will help you in your weight loss goals.

Green Tea extract EFLA 942, from Camellia sinensis, contains
EGCG that could help in enhancing fat metabolism, block fat
enzyme, and ease the complications of obesity. EFLA 942,
manufactured by Frutarom (Switzerland), could help in losing
weight. It acts in 3 mechanisms: increase energy metabolism
and fatty acid oxidation, inhibit fat cell development, and/or
reduce lipid absorption and increase fat excretion.

Satiereal® is a patented, clinically-studied satiety ingredient
derived from saffron crocus, Crocus sativus L. The satiated
feeling induced by Satiereal® encourages weight loss while
eliminating frustration. This product has a unique mechanism
that may support satiety by helping to avoid snacking and
compulsive eating behaviors, which may, in turn, lead to
reduction in weight and inches. Satiereal is a product of
Inoreal® (France).

Carnipure™ is a high quality L-carnitine manufactured by
Lonza (Switzerland) L-carnitine is essential for fat breakdown
and energy generation. The effectiveness of Carnipure™ has
been demonstrated in various human studies which Lonza
conducted in collaboration with major universities and
research centers all around the world.

Carnipure™ has a broad array of applications in weight
management, exercise and recovery, cardiovascular health,
healthy aging and male fertility.

Fibruline (Inulin) is a naturally occurring soluble fiber obtained
from the root of the chicory plant. Inulin can give you a
sensation of satiety, or fullness, without raising your blood-
sugar levels or adding many calories. These properties have
created interest in inulin’s possible use for weight loss. Early
research supports inulin’s effectiveness as an appetite
suppressant. In addition to its potential for promoting weight
loss, inulin offers possible health benefits. It inhibits colon
cancer, helps in treatment of cardiovascular disease and type
2 diabetes, aids calcium absorption, reduces the absorption of
glucose and improves the metabolism of fats.

BURN those extra body fats, speed up your metabolism, gain
more energy and maintain a slim healthy body with BURN
Mate Iced Tea… while you EARN!

BURN Mate Iced Tea is one of the products in AIM Global’s
BURN 90 PROGRAM, and is exclusively distributed by Alliance
In Motion Global, Incorporated!


Source: Dr. Axe

For order, you can get in touch with me in whatsapp/imo/viber +639272333761

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